Bug #11610
Updated by Arshana Atapattu 4 months ago
*Environment details*
Staging server 6.2.0
User should be logged in
Create a parent group
create a sub group in that parent group
add couple of devices in to the parent group
dont add any devices in to sub group.
now go to parent group and click on devices(You will see the assigned devices)
now go to sub group and click on devices(here you will still see the parent group's assigned devices. )
Note: Video [1]
When a user click on parent group(any group) and load devices(click on device) and then go to sub group and try to load the assigned devices, it will still show the parent group's devices.
Reason is when inside the first group it send the devices API[2] and but inside the sub group it does not send a devices API corresponding to that group(to show the devices assigned to that group) and use the data from the parent group to show the devices. Hence it shows the parent groups data.
Please pay attention to network tab and send API calls in the video [1]
This only happens on the super tenant