Bug #11649
closedTask #11442: Bugs and improvements for View for android Application updates monitoring and manage feature
Modify the descriptions under each subscription category
Environment details
Staging server(620)
Add Applications
Go to the Applications page in the App Store portal.
Go inside an app.
Click on "Subscription Details".
Descriptions under the following sections should be changed as mentioned (refer to the screenshot1):
[1] Device Subscriptions -> Installed count
Current text - Shows installation details for individual devices. all
How it should be - Shows installation details of the application for all devices.
[2] Device Subscriptions -> Uninstalled count
Current text - Shows installation details for individual devices. all
How it should be - Shows uninstallation details of the application for all devices.
[3] Group Subscriptions -> Installed count
Current text - Shows installation details for device groups.
How it should be - Shows installation details of the application for device groups.
[4] Group Subscriptions -> Uninstalled count
Current text - Shows installation details for device groups.
How it should be - Shows uninstallation details of the application for device groups.
[5] Role Subscriptions -> Installed count
Current text - Shows installation details for user roles.
How it should be - Shows installation details of the application for user roles.
[6] Role Subscriptions -> Uninstalled count
Current text - Shows installation details for user roles.
How it should be - Shows uninstallation details of the application for user roles.
[7] User Subscriptions -> Installed count
Current text - Shows installation details for individual users.
How it should be - Shows installation details of the application for individual users.
[8] User Subscriptions -> Uninstalled count
Current text - Shows installation details for individual users.
How it should be - Shows uninstallation details of the application for individual users.
Updated by Oshani Silva 8 months ago
- Due date set to 23/07/2024
- Status changed from New to QA
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Viranga Gunarathna 8 months ago
- Status changed from QA Accept to Closed
Closing due to QA accept.