Bug #11999
openproduct-uem 6.3.0 GA - Task #11913: Bugs and improvements for secure folder feature
Incorrect encrypting time showed in secure folder configuration
Environment details
620 pack
Agent version:
Enrolled android device
set the secure folder configuration policy(android)
tick "Enable Auto Encryption" and set to 20 mins
apply the policy
wait until the encrypt notification showing in the device
When reaching 90% of the duration time mentioned in the policy(in this case 10*90% = 9mins) the auto encrypt notification will show in the device.
According to the policy files will be auto encrypt at 10th min.(in next 1min files will be encrypt).
But on the notification it says files will be encrypt in another 10 mins [1].
The time in the notification should show the remaining time until files are encrypted.
EX if the policy was set to 10 mins and notification will show at 9th min. so in the notification it should show files will be encrypt in 1min(10 - 10*90/100 = 1min) which is the remaining time.
Note: if remaining time is long, like in hours, show the msg in hours and mins.
Updated by Rajitha Kumara 4 months ago
- Project changed from product-uem 6.3.0 GA to product-uem 7.0.0 GA
Updated by Sandaru Daminda about 2 months ago
- Project changed from product-uem 7.0.0 GA to product-uem 7.1.0 GA
Updated by Arshana Atapattu about 1 month ago
- Project changed from product-uem 7.1.0 GA to product-uem 7.0.0 GA