



Task #12078


Improvement #11697: Improve Windows Enrollment View

Implement the general enrollment flow

Added by Oshani Silva 4 months ago. Updated 12 days ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


In this task, the needed enrollment flow will be completed, covering the below steps.

  • 1st step: Add a generic description and the enrollment selection
  • 2nd step: Viewing selected enrollment type steps and related video
  • 3rd step: Enrollment flow conclusion (Generic for all enrollment types)


clipboard-202410162219-jtxpc.png (310 KB) clipboard-202410162219-jtxpc.png Oshani Silva, 16/10/2024 04:49 PM
clipboard-202410162219-9uv2t.png (379 KB) clipboard-202410162219-9uv2t.png Oshani Silva, 16/10/2024 04:49 PM
clipboard-202410162219-pvmsb.png (379 KB) clipboard-202410162219-pvmsb.png Oshani Silva, 16/10/2024 04:49 PM
clipboard-202410162220-a0qwx.png (219 KB) clipboard-202410162220-a0qwx.png Oshani Silva, 16/10/2024 04:50 PM
clipboard-202410162220-mvw3k.png (219 KB) clipboard-202410162220-mvw3k.png Oshani Silva, 16/10/2024 04:50 PM
Actions #2

Updated by Arshana Atapattu 4 months ago

  • Status changed from QA to Needs Improvement

Issue 1: Traditional enrollment -> prerequisites
Ensure Windows Server Configurations are configured properly. -> these are only needed if the server is on-premise

Issue 2:
Log in to the Endpoint Management portal and navigate to the All Devices page. The enrolled Windows device will appear in the device list.
"Endpoint Management portal " this is linked to documentation. Better to link this to server.

Issue 3: Traditional enrollment
In the pop-up window, enter admin@<EMAIL_DOMAIN> as the email address (e.g., ), and click Next.
admin is not always admin, could be changed better to show it like this: <username>@<EMAIL_DOMAIN>

*Issue 4: *
Need a proper mage at the end(will provide a image)

Issue 5: In Bulk enrollment BYOD
For detailed descriptions of these settings, see Provisioning CSP. Here's the screenshot of the WCD at this point.
No image here. can remove "Here's the screenshot of the WCD at this point"

Issue 6: Bulk Enrollment with Azure AD (COPE)
12.Optionally, you can password-protect your provisioning package. Click Create.

Steps are included only upto ppkg create. Add how to apply the ppkg to device
EX: in Bulk Enrollment (BYOD)
16.Apply the package to some test devices and verify that they work. For more information, see Apply a provisioning package.
17.Apply the package to your devices.

*Issue 7: Windows autopilot description *
Devices can be enrolled directly from the out-of-the-box experience (OOBE) without IT intervention
Recheck "(OOBE) without IT intervention"

Issue 8: Windows autopilot description
Kind of better to explain what is OOBE. can provide a URL to check on this.

Issue 9: Windows Autopilot
After executing the last command a sign up window will come up. Use the credentials of a Cloud Administrator to successfully register the device to Autopilot servers.

"Cloud Administrator " meaning of this?

Actions #3

Updated by Oshani Silva 3 months ago

  • Due date changed from 16/10/2024 to 03/12/2024
Actions #4

Updated by Oshani Silva about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Needs Improvement to QA
Actions #5

Updated by Arshana Atapattu about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from QA to QA Accept

Fixes are working

There are hard coded documentation links and hard coded translations.
These will be handle via a different ticket.

Actions #6

Updated by Arshana Atapattu about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from QA Accept to Closed

Closing due to QA accept


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