


Bug #11813

Updated by Arshana Atapattu 6 months ago

*Environment details* 
 Staging server(620) 

 Cope enrolled device 
 Need to have installed the app on this device(otherwise it wouldn't show in the uninstall table) 

 Go to the app in    the app store 
 Click on "Subscribe" button 
 Click on uninstall  
 Click on search bar and click on "Device name" 
 Consider the device name as "bluejay" 
 input the "ue" as the input in the input field [2] 
 click on search 

 *Note: Please refer the video [1]* 
 Video is attached to the file section of the ticket 


 When searched by full device name it is working. 
 but searched by part of the device name it return nothing [2]. 


 [1] refer the video 
