Bug #12582
Updated by Navod Zoysa 9 days ago
*Environment details* 6.3.0 staging server *Prerequisites* Enroll a Windows device *Steps* Create a passcode policy Apply to the device *Description* Since there is no validation done to the inputs done by user, the device can get locked without being able to set a valid password if the rules are not followed in the DeviceLock CSP. Refer [1][2] [1] to view the rules necessary to validate before creating the policy [1] - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-devicelock#devicepasswordenable [2] - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/dn282287(v=ws.11)#password-length-and-complexity-supported-by-account-types *Result* Device gets locked and keeps saying unable to update the password !clipboard-202502111523-7mmio.png!