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Hours: 38:00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
20/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Create automatic table creation and balance calculating events. 5:00 Actions
19/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Created service and DAO classes for double-entry record functionality and implemented an SQL event to automatically create a table for every month. 8:00 Actions
18/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Start implementation of outstanding balance calculation logic. 4:00 Actions
17/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Improve some validations. 3:00 Actions
14/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Implemented Transaction handling to save data. 7:00 Actions
13/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Add validations and Error handling. 6:00 Actions
11/02/2025 Tharindu Lalantha Development Task #12601: Create an API Endpoint to Record Energy Payments Created Spring boot application and successfully connected MySQL Database to store data. Created MySQL Database and table to store data. 5:00 Actions

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