


Improvement #9185

Updated by Arshana Atapattu about 1 year ago


 Add a button for retrying the app installation to failed devices [1] 



 From Gitlab 
             gitlabId     --> 1187 
             labels       --> Project: Cloud,   
             assignees    -->   
             created_at --> 2021-11-22 06:43:05 IST +0530 
             updated_at --> 2021-11-22 06:43:05 IST +0530 

             ## Description 
 These are the suggestions that need to improve the ease of troubleshooting and searching the failed devices. 

 1. If the device ID names on the list of subscribed devices were clickable, it would be much easier to reach the endpoint management page for each device and check what problem has occurred. Currently, I have to copy-and-paste each ID into the search field in a separate tab. 
 2. Showing the type of error that has occurred in the installations that failed, directly on the list of devices subscribed to an app. 
 3. The ability to sort the list of subscribed devices by their status. This way it would be easier to find/count/manage the subset for which the installation has failed. 
 4. Then, of course, any more advanced way to retry the installation for failed cases (automatically or with a single click, for instance). 

 ## Suggested Labels: 
 > Optional comma-separated list of suggested labels. Non-committers can’t assign labels to issues, so this will help issue creators who are not a committer to suggest a possible label 

 ## Suggested Assignees: 
 > Optional comma-separated list of suggested team members who should attend the issue. Non-committers can’t assign issues to assignees, so this will help issue creators who are not a committer to suggest possible assignees 

 ## Affected Product Version: 

 ## OS, DB, other environment details and versions:     

 ## Steps to reproduce: 

 ## Related Issues:
