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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12734 product-uem 7.1.0 GA New Feature New Medium Add predefined roles 13/03/2025 09:46 AM Actions
12733 product-uem 7.1.0 GA New Feature New None Add new restrictions to restrict apps by app type Sandaru Daminda 13/03/2025 09:39 AM Actions
12732 product-uem 7.1.0 GA Bug New None permission unavailable operations visible in operation panel 13/03/2025 09:34 AM Actions
12731 product-uem 7.1.0 GA Bug New Critical some times created roles is not loading 13/03/2025 09:29 AM Actions
12730 product-uem 7.1.0 GA Improvement New Medium Add role duplicate option 13/03/2025 09:25 AM Actions
12718 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Bug New Critical Add new public app microsoft search is not working after leaving it unattended for a while 07/03/2025 12:18 PM Actions
12716 product-uem 6.4.0 GA Bug QA High Android enterprise(google) apps geting label_error_parsingMetaData error Ravindu Nethsara 11/03/2025 10:49 AM Actions
12715 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Bug New None Ability to continue to the add release page with an already existing app name 06/03/2025 01:43 AM Actions
12712 Backlog New Feature New None Force a certain Intent such as a pdf/image/video etc to be opened by a designated app only 05/03/2025 05:43 AM Actions
12711 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Improvement New None Display Response Details in Operation Logs for Ingestion Operation 05/03/2025 03:49 AM Actions
12708 Backlog Bug New High In Samsung devices "Application Restriction Settings" block list revoke is not applying for some apps 04/03/2025 10:55 AM Actions
12707 product-uem 6.4.0 GA Bug QA Critical When adding a device to a group via "Add to group" button, it will remove other groups from the device Rajitha Kumara 13/03/2025 05:26 PM Actions
12703 product-uem 6.4.0 GA Bug New Critical Unable to enroll a windows device without cloud admin in autopilot 03/03/2025 08:01 AM Actions
12702 product-uem 6.4.0 GA Improvement QA None Limit the number of uploaded files Thilina Sandaruwan 03/03/2025 07:47 AM Actions
12685 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Bug New Critical Allowed / denied list of USB devices are not sent in the SyncML payload 27/02/2025 01:11 PM Actions
12683 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Task New None Test Gmail app from android enterprise apps(google app) Arshana Atapattu 27/02/2025 04:31 AM Actions
12682 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Bug New High Incorrect Policy Suggestions in Policy Search for 'Restriction Policy' Thilina Sandaruwan 27/02/2025 04:17 AM Actions
12679 product-uem 7.0.0 GA New Feature Implementation None Update DM_NOTIFICATION table and add new table to keep track on user actions. Nipuni Kavindya 27/02/2025 03:00 AM Actions
12676 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Improvement New High Add support to SyncML engine to handle asynchronous operations 26/02/2025 09:33 AM Actions
12673 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Improvement New None Add app subscription details to Windows agents installed through platform configs 26/02/2025 06:22 AM Actions
12672 product-uem 7.0.0 GA New Feature New None Additional options to wipe device remotely 26/02/2025 05:40 AM Actions
12671 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Task Design None Improvements to wipe device functionality Thilina Sandaruwan 03/03/2025 04:11 AM Actions
12670 product-uem 7.0.0 GA New Feature New High Scheduled reboot policy Subodhinie chathurajika 03/03/2025 04:05 AM Actions
12669 product-uem 7.0.0 GA Improvement New Medium Refactor ui-components to Pass Device Types and User Scopes as Props. 26/02/2025 03:32 AM Actions
12659 Backlog Improvement New Low Optimize setLoading function in API Calls 24/02/2025 11:13 AM Actions
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