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Hours: 324:00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
06/02/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI solved the uem pack starting issue due to a bug of the uem end. the issue is informed to the arshana for further actions. and finalize the code and tested successfully in latest uem release. 7:00 Actions
04/02/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI testing stage of all changes with uem latest release. but the pack wont start. contact few team members by sending the error logs that indicating oauth2.war is missing. 6:00 Actions
03/02/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices started testing with new release of uem 7.0.0 . but couldnt start the uem latest server. and tried to debug the issue. 6:00 Actions
30/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices Still tried fixing the issue. though there were no solutions mentioned for my issue, some of them have experienced this issue occationally. 7:00 Actions
30/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices 5:00 Actions
30/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12252: Tags are not getting added to some devices 6:00 Actions
30/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12252: Tags are not getting added to some devices 7:00 Actions
28/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12252: Tags are not getting added to some devices debug for the issue of not retrieving the tags of the single device. and found that the tag are not attached to the method. so started on working on it. 6:00 Actions
27/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Bug #12252: Tags are not getting added to some devices searching for cause and found that the tags isnt attached to single device method and started working on it. 6:00 Actions
23/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices finalizing the changes that i have made in get device method with testing all usages related to it. 7:00 Actions
22/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices fixed the issue. after reset to main tenant db data and go latest update merged on that day. 7:00 Actions
22/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices testing on the caching issue in get devices call. tried switching main tenant data and reset the db. 7:00 Actions
21/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices testing on the caching issue in get devices call 7:00 Actions
20/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Task #12247: Tag feature related bugs and improvements worked on core on a since i found a caching issue of a get devices call. done couple of testing 7:00 Actions
16/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices worked on assign devices ui in device assigning to tag module 7:00 Actions
15/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices office day - finalized the retrieving devices that dont have tags to ui and it worked. 3:00 Actions
14/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices completed the device filtering by excluding the tag id and worked 7:00 Actions
13/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices since issue couldn't be identified after doing several things, i add device details to the db through jmeter script and it worked and continue the development. 7:00 Actions
10/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices still had the issue. but i realized the problem came only when we pointed local db to server. and i tried with several dumps and changing even mysql connectors. further i posted about this issue with details in the uem group chat. 7:00 Actions
09/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices the issue still occured. and tried changing the toml file and further sync with uem memebers 7:00 Actions
08/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices faced a issue when starting the uem server when i got the latest updates from all repos and i was finding the issue myself. tried clearing db and with fresh packs. 7:00 Actions
07/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices worked on uem filter devices by tag in core. got an issue of java version issues and managed to resolved it. 7:00 Actions
07/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Comment Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices configuring the new pack with java 8 to 11 conversion 6:00 Actions
06/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices worked on uem filter devices by tag in core 7:00 Actions
06/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices worked on filter devices by particular tag in device mgt core 6:00 Actions
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