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Hours: 324:00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
03/01/2025 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12253: When click on assign tags, show the device table to assign devices in progress - recreate the group device assign modal component suitable for tagging 5:00 Actions
28/11/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12254: If there is no assigned tags for a device, it should show there is no tags assigned to the device in single device page tag view 1:00 Actions
28/11/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12250: When all device selected, tags should be grayed out 1:00 Actions
28/11/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12249: Drop down and tooltip is overlapping with each other in all devices page tag icon and incorrect tool tip 1:00 Actions
28/11/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development Bug #12248: Incorrect wording in device assigning to a tag 1:00 Actions
27/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
26/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development Improvement #12023: 204 status code and delete method json body handling in ui-request-handler 3:00 Actions
25/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
24/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
23/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
20/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
19/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
18/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
13/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
12/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
11/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
04/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 4:00 Actions
03/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 8:00 Actions
02/09/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 8:00 Actions
30/08/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 10:00 Actions
30/08/2024 Gimhan Wijayawardana Development Bug #11845: Error when executing sql query for creating DM_DEVICE_TAG_MAPPING table against SQL DB Fix the errors 0:30 Actions
28/08/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 5:00 Actions
27/08/2024 Uddhika Ishara Development New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
26/08/2024 Uddhika Ishara Design New Feature #11863: UEM - Tagging Feature UI 9:00 Actions
25/10/2022 Entgra Admin Comment None #9534: iOS enrollment fails due to lack of caching 1:30 Actions
(26-50/51) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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